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Katie is a firm believer in art of every kind, and she is passionate about making ideas into a reality in all creative forms. When she was a young musician, a strong woman once advised her to "Go Forth and Make Great Art", and since hearing those words, she's never stopped.

Born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Katie hopes to build her career in the visual design world. She has a plethora of experience in designing all types of content whether graphic design or photography. During her undergrad career, Katie produced graphic and photo content for the on-campus magazine, "The Edge", created commercially viable logos and branding for local musicians, as well as led the graphic initiative for the now annual “Leading Women in Audio Conference” at the university. Katie has regularly pushed her creative boundaries with the help of her peers, mentors, and professors at Elon University where she is earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design.

Artist Statement

I am a thinker. I am the one who asks too many questions and lives in the details. I am the tree with thick roots planted firmly in my history but strong, healthy limbs reaching for the future. I am fiercely loyal to my friends and family. I believe in love. Whether on the pages of songs or in a glance between two individuals I see it in everything I do. I stand up for what is right and share my opinions. I am not afraid to speak my mind showing my inner colors. I am a creative. An artist who shares my voice through the prose of others. I feel words deeply and care for them as if they are my own. I am a designer. I was taught the powers of art by the callused hands of women. I feel them every time I create. I believe in art more and more each day. I survive by the living pulse inside each piece. I am “one of them.” 

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